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Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения
Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы
Главная Medical tourism

The Moscow State Budgetary Healthcare Institution ""Municipal Children's Polyclinic No. 110 of Healthcare Department" (GBUZ DGP No. 110 DZM) is a modern multi-disciplinary medical center.

The high-precision equipment allows the early diagnostics and qualitative treatment of diseases.

Our center uses highly qualified specialists, including Сandidates of Medical Sciences, a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (speech therapist), an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, a Honored Doctor of the Republic of Karelia.

We are a pilot zone for introducing new information programs in Moscow Healthcare system.

The staff and chief physician were awarded diplomas and letters of gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow, the Head of the Healthcare Department, and the Head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow.

Historical information

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, an outpatient clinic was opened at City Hospital No. 11. In 1947, the outpatient clinic was transformed into Children's City Polyclinic No. 24.

On July 5, 2012, according to the order of the Department of Healthcare of Moscow, Children's City Polyclinics No. 24, No. 44, No. 75, and No. 110 were united into an outpatient and polyclinic center.

Main lines of business

Traumatology center

The Traumatology center serves for children aged 0 to 18 living in the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. Our center performs an initial surgical debridement of wounds, including burn wounds; closed repositioning of radial bone, hand, and toe fractures; correction of dislocations; removal of foreign bodies from soft tissues (except for those of foot and hand); removal of surgical sutures after traumatic surgical interventions; and application and removal of cast and bandages of any complexity. Also, as part of our paid medical services, we use imported polymeric materials to apply combined polymeric bandages, which are an excellent alternative to casting. Polymeric bandages are much more functional, easier by weight, color-adjustable, and may be exposed to water. Medical services, including paid services, can be expanded.

A daytime neurological hospital

Medical therapy, massage, therapeutic exercise, and physical therapy are carried out based on the day hospital. We provide each child with an individual recovery plan according to indications and contraindications. Children stay in bed 4-5 hours a day, allowed to take a break between therapeutic procedures and relax in a room equipped with a playground, TV, microwave oven for warming up baby food.

A stay in a day hospital is convenient because the child's daily routine is not disturbed. It is very important that the child is always with his parents, in a psychologically comfortable environment.

Office of vision protection

The busy school agenda, computer games, Internet, and TV contribute to the development of eye diseases in a child. The risk is increased if at least one parent has a visual impairment. The sooner a disorder is identified and the right treatment is prescribed, the better the chances of a full recovery.

In Branches No. 1 and No. 2 of our Polyclinic, Offices of vision protection are successfully functioning. The Offices specialize in the treatment of accommodation disorders, myopia, amblyopia, convergent and divergent strabismus, and vision loss in hyperopia and amblyopia. The course treatment is carried out on the retinal laser stimulation, macular stimulation, and percutaneous stimulation of the optic nerve devices, Amblyotrainer, Pleoptica, Diploptica, color pulse therapy device.

The repeated courses of the treatment in the skilled hands of a doctor can achieve high results.

Multispiral Computed Tomography (MSCT).

With 64 detectors, MSCT provide a high-precision three-dimensional images. The high scanning speed and the frequency of spiral slices allow to get a high-quality image of body organs, including those in constant motion, i.e. lungs and heart. Masses are detected of thickness less than that of the slice. The precise location and the structure of the mass, and the reaction of surrounding tissues are detected. Pathological masses and anatomical structures are well distinguishable, not found by X-ray examination. If sinusitis is suspected, the spiral CT can determine, in contrast to X-ray, the pathological process in the sinus, the density of the pathological mass; for example, polypous sinusitis can be distinguished from a cystic one.

Swimming pool

Experienced instructors train 1-3 months-old children in individual pools (infantry swimming), teaching parents to keep their babies for independent study at home. From the age of 6 months, babies and toddlers swim with their mothers in the pool under the supervision of an instructor.

Water exercise provides exercise for all muscle groups without strain on the spine. Early swimming strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes the correct development of the musculoskeletal system and cold training of the body.

Leading experts

Anna Anatolievna Zaitseva is Head of Children's City Polyclinic No. 110.

Irina Alekseevna Fomenko is Head of Branch No. 3.

A doctor of the highest qualification category. The work experience at the Children's City Polyclinic No. 110 is over 30 years. She is board certified on the following specialties: Health organization and public health; pediatrics, pediatric surgery, trauma and orthopaedics. She is proficient in methods of rehabilitation of children with chronic orthopaedic pathology and disabled children with cerebral palsy. She was awarded the medal "850th anniversary of Moscow". She has gratitude and a diploma of the Head of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Sviridov is the Deputy Chief physician, neurologist.

He has been working at Children's City Polyclinic No. 110 since 1999. Passed the way from a district pediatrician, neurologist, functional diagnostics doctor to Deputy Chief physician for clinical and expert work. Since 2016, he has been the Deputy Chief Physician for medical issues. He is proficient in functional diagnosis methods in neurology.

Svetlana Yevgenyevna Zubrilina is the Deputy Chief physician for Clinical and Expert Work, child cardiologist.

Since 2005, she has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics, Moscow Faculty with the course on Traditional Methods of Treatment of the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education of the Russian National Research Medical University. From 2005 to 2007 and from 2010 to the present day, she has been working as an external district specialist, a children's cardiologist of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. She is proficient in functional diagnostics in cardiology.

Timur Dmitrievich Dolidze is the Deputy Chief physician, traumatologist and orthopedist.

Since 2017, he has been heading the traumatology and orthopaedics Department of the GBUZ DGP No. 110 including a traumatology center serving for children of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. He is the head of the trade committee of the institution. He has a gratitude from the Department of Health for his active citizenship and personal participation in implementing the Moscow healthcare program.

Natalia Maratovna Jugai is the Head of Branch No. 1.

Under the leadership of the Natalia Jugai, scientific research is carried out on the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of parvovirus infection. She actively introduces the modern algorithms of treatment for children with iron-deficiency anemia. She took part in the Moscow City Congress of Pediatricians "Difficult Diagnosis in Pediatrics" on the theme "Crafty of Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome".

Ludmila Viktorovna Pivovarova is the Head of Branch No. 2.

For 20 years in medicine, he has been working as a pediatrician in a hospital, district pediatrician in a polyclinic, Deputy Chief physician for Clinical and Expert Work, and Deputy Chief physician for Medical Issues.

Natalia Valentinovna Boyko is the Head of Surgical Department

She has a wide experience of work in extreme conditions. She has the following awards:

Irina Leibovna Bagrinovskaya is a traumatologist-orthopedist

She has a long track record. She is recognized as the best orthopaedic trauma surgeon at the festival “Formula of Life”. She has several publications in scientific and practical journals.

Denis Viktorovich Popov is the Head of the Otorhinolaryngological Department

He has a long track record. Candidate of Medical Sciences. He is proficient in endoscopic diagnostics in otorhinolaryngology. He systematically takes part with scientific reports at thematic congresses and symposiums, including those abroad. He has a gratitude of the Head of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow for many years of conscientious work in the system of the Moscow city health care.

Research work in the GBUZ DGP No. 110

Conditions for the provision of medical care to non-citizens

Medical help for non-citizens temporarily or permanently living on the territory of Russia, is provided in the GBUZ DGP No. 110 under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 186 “On approval of the rules for rendering medical help to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation”.

Emergency and ambulance services are free.

The elective healthcare to non-citizens insured under Federal Law No. 326-FZ of 29 November 2010 "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" is free.

The elective healthcare to non-citizens who are not insured under the compulsory medical insurance (CMI) system is provided under a voluntary medical insurance (VMI) agreement, or on a paid basis.

Price list.

Algorithm of health-seeking in the GBUZ DGP No. 110 for non-citizens

* For non-citizens, the identity document is a passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by Federal Law or recognized under the international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document.

A document certifying the identity of the person applying for recognition as a refugee, is a testimony of the examination of an application for refugee status, and a document certifying the identity of the person recognized as a refugee is a refugee certificate.

For persons without citizenship, identity documents are:

Contact Information

Contact center: + 122


GBUZ DGP No. 110 (main building)

GBUZ DGP No. 110, Branch No. 1

GBUZ DGP No. 110, Branch No. 2

GBUZ DGP No. 110, Branch No. 3


127490, Moscow, ul. Dekabristov 39

127562, Moscow, ul. Hachaturyana 3

127081, Moscow, ul. Polarnaya 11

127254, Moscow, ul. Yablochkova 3A-1


Paid services Department

+7 (910) 493-56-90

+7 (916) 465-73-12

+7 (916) 465-76-20

+7 (916) 465-74-92

Additional information materials

Information about the Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations at the Ministry of Health website: https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/ministry/61/6